15 Reasons Random Acts of Marketing & Social Media (RAMs) Don’t Work! | The Marketing Nut

Categories: Social Media

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An interesting post about randomness in bussines, with some questions as: What are your thoughts on randomness in business? Are you guilty of random acts of marketing or social media? Remember, the fist step is admitting such. The second is doing something about it. If you have broken the RAMMIE habit, how did you do it? [note mg]


Random Act of Marketing RAMs Attempt to drive business benefit that is NOT integrated, easily measured, nor integrated with other marketing tactics.


There you sit in the executive conference room watching everyone nod their heads about the latest idea from the new executive on the block. He or she has a new idea that is going to “save the company.” It could be anything from a random LinkedIn group, social media campaign, planned “go viral” video” or who knows what.

The sad thing is nobody in the conference room has the guts to state the obvious… that there is no budget, time, or resources to implement the new random act of marketing or social media with any level of success.


Read more: http://www.pammarketingnut.com/2012/02/15-reasons-random-acts-of-marketing-social-media-rams-dont-work/#


Lisa Perkins Whitley Coleman‘s insight:

You must make sure your marketing activities fit in with your overal plan.  Random acts of marketing waste time and money!

See on www.pammarketingnut.com

Author: cm2marketing