4 Myths of Social Media Marketing

Categories: Marketing

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“Social media marketing is the shiny new toy. Businesses were provided tools that they could use themselves to promote their business.


Coca Cola changed its marketing strategy from creative excellence to content excellence.

They had realized that social media was able to spread their content and ideas with velocity and the crowd could create and share more stories on social networks than they could ever hope to buy.


The democratization of marketing was now evident.


Here the 4 Myths of Social Media Marketing:


Myth #1. It’s Simple

There are many myths about social media marketing but the biggest one by far is that it is easy and can be done by an intern at lunch time.


Myth #2. It’s Free

Planning , creating content, optimizing for search, publishing to multiple platforms takes time. Time is money.


Enterprise class tools are not free. Participating on Facebook may cost nothing and tweeting is free but the content and eco-sytem to support a sustained social media marketing effort requires budget and commitment. Professional videos still cost money to produce and edit.



Myth #3. It’s Just Facebook

Many organisations think that because Facebook dominates the social media numbers game with nearly one billion users, that it is the only social media network to consider in a social media marketing strategy.

Facebook only allows less than 15% of your updates to appear in your Facebook followers timelines through its “Edge Rank” algorithms.



Myth #4. Social Media is the “Silver Bullet”

Social media is not your marketing saviour.

Remember to continue to optimize your online properties for search engines.


Being found on Google is still a “must do”. If you aren’t doing this then you need to reconsider some of your marketing budget priorities. Social media marketing advertising is still only $5 billion and search engine marketing spend is 10 times larger at $50 billiuon plus because it works”.


Full Article Here: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2012/08/13/4-myths-of-social-media-marketing/

See on www.jeffbullas.com

Author: lisawhitleycoleman